


Hey entrepreneur, can I ask you something?

Are you hitting a ceiling in your life and business, and no matter what you try you’re not breaking through?

It’s not that everything is falling apart.

Things are ok AND you know they could be great.

And it doesn’t sit right with you to live at less than your full capacity.

If you KNOW there is more for you, and trying to break through feels like hitting your head against the wall, I want you to remember something:

Your breaking point can just as easily become your BREAKING THROUGH point.

If you’re ready for a breakthrough in your business and life, two things are for sure:

  1. The voices of self-doubt, shame, and guilt will show up to do whatever they can to stop your forward progress.

  2. You’ll either use those voices to sabotage your success, or you’ll leverage them to blast off.

When you hit a wall it is so tempting to give up. The voices in your head start screaming, and they’re damn convincing. They tell you why you’ll never make it, prove why you’re a fraud, and cripple you with the certainty of impending failure.

When most people come to me they want help getting that voice to shut up. They think “once I’m not afraid, then I’ll get the success I want”. WRONG! If you wait for the voices of self-judgment to stop, you’re going to wait a really long time.

There’s another way:


Those voices are showing you EXACTLY where to look if you want to breakthrough. There’s a line by Jung that speaks to this perfectly:

“What you most want to find will be found where you least want to look.”

You bring order to the chaos of your life and results by finally looking where you’ve been unwilling to look. And by finally acknowledging and taking next-level responsibility for the under-developed parts of yourself that created the results you so desperately want to transform.

When you calmly stare down the barrel of your fear and self doubt you will see EXACTLY what needs to be transformed within yourself, and EXACTLY how to transform it. If you refuse to look because you’re scared off by the voices in your head, you cannot break through.


Do you:

  • Find your self paralyzed by self doubt?

  • Know there’s a next level to reach in your life and business?

  • Try tons of different strategies and still don’t have the breakthrough?

  • Suspect it’s YOU holding yourself back?

  • Know you’re at a breaking point and something MUST change?



Do You Want To:

  • Learn to leverage your self doubt to grow quickly?

  • Build a mindset that becomes your greatest super power?

  • Build unshakeable confidence?

  • Become the solution to your problems instead of the cause?

  • Transform chaos and confusion into order and clarity?

  • Immediately move the needle in your business without implementing external strategies?

  • Catapult your income and impact?



If you answered YES to these questions, The BREAKING THROUGH Point is an excellent fit to take you to the next level in your business and life.




  • Small group intensive

  • Four 90 minute calls over ZOOM

    • teaching

    • 1:1 coaching

  • Private FB community to receive personal support between calls

  • 30 minute 1:1 call with Tristan


If you are called to something greater in your life and business, and you’re ready to step past your self doubt and fear into what you truly want, apply below.



“I started working with Tristan in March. At the time my business was averaging 9k per month. By June, we were at 20k, and by Sept, we were at 25k. I was blown away and obviously ecstatic with the results. But it isn't just the money that has shifted. The money is a true reflection of how my satisfaction in my work and my life has skyrocketed.”
Leslie M. ~ Naturopathic Doctor